These smaller signs are typically placed on the bus's dash, near the front door, facing out the front window. Some transit systems referred to these as "block numbers".
Shown here are some examples of run number sets from a selection of systems. All images on this page have been drawn virtually perfect to scale, however, these images are enlarged 2x compared to the scale drawing rollsigns on other pages.
This set of linen run numbers is from Toronto,
Ontario. They are off Toronto Transit
Commission Flyer E700A trolley coach #9336.
Also from Toronto Ontario, this mylar set
is off Toronto Transit Commission GMC
TDH-5303 #7147.
This linen set is off Penetang-Midland
Coach Lines (Penetanguishine, Ontario)
GMC 30 foot Old Look #68.
This set of mylar run numbers is one of
two off Mississauga (Ontario) Transit
30 foot Orion OBI 01.501 #2084.
This longer set of mylar numbers and letters is also off Mississauga (Ontario) Transit
30 foot Orion OBI 01.501 #2084. On Mississauga Transit buses, they had two sets of run
number type boxes. When looking at the front of the bus, the left one (this set) was used
to show the route number and branch letter, the right one was the actual run number.
This set of "Tyvek" (paper) run numbers
is off Montreal, Quebec (STCUM) GMC
T6H-5307N #23-133.
This 4 digit set of mylar run numbers is from
First Transit of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
and is off one of their NovaBus LFS's that
were sold to Oshawa Transit (Oshawa,
Ontario) in 2006. The sign box is dated
September 21, 1999.
This 3 digit set of mylar run numbers
is from Indianapolis, Indiana "IndyGo"
OBI 01.509 Orion I #8659. The sign
box is dated August 3, 1999.
This run number set is from Toronto, Ontario.
They are off Toronto Transit Commission's
Hawker Siddeley H-4 class subway car
#5580. The left number is a linen while
the right number is mylar.
This set of mylar numbers is from Toronto,
Ontario. They are off Toronto Transit
Commission's Hawker Siddeley H-5 class
subway car #5786
This original set of mylar numbers is from
Toronto, Ontario. They are off Toronto Transit
Commission's Hawker Siddeley
H-5 class subway car #5805